What is Fellowship?
An idea that is regarded a lot among the Primitive Baptists is the idea of fellowship. Now, some of you might wonder what that is. You might have thought "what exactly is fellowship?" Well that is what I am going to try to explain in these next few thoughts. As I was listening to a previously recorded sermon this week, I was directed to the book of Acts. In Acts 2:1 it says that the day of Pentecost had fully come, I am paraphrasing just a little there but in the latter part of that verse it says they were all with one accord in one place. That alone says a lot about fellowship. The best feelings I have had in the Church of God, the heavenly Jerusalem, were when several of God's saints were all in one place, gathered together, as it says in Acts 2:1. You see, to be in fellowship with a church body or one another takes being gathered together, not apart, you can't have fellowship if you are apart. As you read on to verse 4 it says that they were filled with the Holy Ghost. I believe that if you are together worshiping in spirit and in truth, you will feel the presence of the Holy Ghost within you. Now, back to the topic of fellowship, in verse 5 it reads And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. This goes to show that there is not a soul on this planet that the Lord Jesus Christ cannot save! His grace is sufficient! There were men from EVERY nation under heaven. It goes on to list different names and places that these men were from. If you go back a little before that it says they were speaking in tongues, as if they were feeling great zeal and joy, much like the joy that is felt in the Lords house today. If you read on to verse 6, it says that every man heard what was being said in his own language. You can see the presence of the Holy Spirit here on this day of Pentecost, every man heard it in his OWN language. Only the power of the Living God can make something that wonderful happen. The men were marveled at this. It says Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? As you can see, this was something that was puzzling to them, something that they hadn't seen before. But anyway, they were full of great joy to the point that some people think that they are drunk, which turns out not to be the case as we can see from the Apostle Peter telling us so. Peter goes on to talk prophecy, which I will not get into at this time, but you can continue until you get to verse 37 and it says that when they heard this their hearts were pricked, which is something that I believe happens to every child of God sometime in their life here on earth, the Holy Spirit is revealed in them which we can see happens to these men here at the day of Pentecost. They asked what shall we do? And Peter said to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ which is something we still do in the Church today, and it says for the remission of sins, and ye SHALL receive the GIFT of the Holy Ghost. It goes on to say that three thousand were added that day. How wonderful that must have been! And it says they continued in the apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. We still do all that in the Church today and will continue to do until the coming of Christ. As we can see, this day of Pentecost is a depiction of what true fellowship actually is. Singing the Songs of Zion, hearing the preaching of the precious Gospel, and praying to the only begotten son of the Living God, all while at peace and in the same place, with the people who believe the same truths. That is true fellowship my friends. May true peace and fellowship abound in the Church of the Living God!
And all that believed were together, and had all things common; - Acts 2:44
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