Fear Not

 In this life that we live in, it is very easy to become distraught and down because of everything that comes up in this life. This past week was a stressful week for me, simply because I wasn't doing the best mentally. I was just having a down week. It could have been the same case for you. We tend to think that when we are facing challenges, that we are the only ones who are facing the challenge. Let me tell you something, you are not the only one facing problems or fear. All of us have been through the fire at some point. We have all been to the point where we thought that there wasn't anything left, that it had all gone bad. As we look at the scriptures we can see that is simply not the case. It has not all gone bad, the scriptures even support the fact that there will be a church body meeting when Jesus Christ comes again. In that alone we can have hope that the light of God will be shining still in this world when Christ comes. On top of that you can look at the fact that there is no new thing under the sun. If it is happening now, most likely, it has happened before. This is a reminder that we need not to be afraid when certain things happen in life, for there is a creator, the Living God, who is in control of that. We sing the hymn "It Is I" and the chorus of that states "Fear not trembling one, it is I." This is similar to the verse where Jesus states "It is I, be not afraid" in John 6:20. That still stands true today! Jesus is still who he was when he walked the earth and he can still work miracles today. We can find rest in that precious truth that no matter what happens, he will never leave us nor forsake us as it states in Hebrews 13:5. As my father has stated in his sermons many times: "the Lord's people are a poor and afflicted people" referencing the fact that we are going to have our trials and we are going to have our tribulations, even when the wicked prosper, but throughout all that, we can fear not in the precious hope of Jesus still making intercession daily for us.


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