
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Two Salvation's

 There is no doubt, if you have read any of my previous posts, that I believe that eternal salvation is obtained 100% by the sovereign grace of Christ and nothing else. If you notice, I said ETERNAL salvation is by grace and grace alone. A lot of people might be saying "well, isn't that what salvation is?" or "Doesn't salvation determine where we will spend eternity?" The answer is yes to both of those questions but this is where the Primitive Baptists are different than a lot of other factions. You see, we believe in an Eternal salvation, but we also believe in a salvation here in time.  We believe that before the foundation of the world (1Pet. 1:20) the Lord saved a remnant according to the doctrine of election, and our works have nothing to do with our salvation because of the state we are in by nature. It had to take Jesus Christ to pay with his blood, so we could be washed "whiter than snow." We believe this was a sign of God's love for hi...